Coombe Abbey Hotel (view from a bridge to the right)
Welcome to Coombe Abbey Hotel just as the fog is lifting. This place is just about perfect and located just outside Coventry. It was founded as a monastery in the 12th century and in the 16th century it became royal property. Yes, it is a hotel and there is no denying that the moment you enter the grounds you are transported to....well, you just have to come and have a look for yourself!
Hotel and moat to the left (looking towards Coombe Country Park) |
There's more.....
The Entrance |
I could never describe this 'no ordinary hotel' adequately, so click the link,
Coombe Abbey Hotel, and have a little read for yourself.
A Closer View (through the morning fog
hiding that Ferrari) |
Some of the Courtyard |
Fancy English tea and scones? I know just the place........!
Oh, it's beautiful, LOL! And they have a "twixt" special that is a really good deal. Right there in your neighborhood!
Not sure how I missed this place but its somewhere I have never been. Beautiful place.
Wow, this place is amazing!! I love every photo (and happy you chose to share multiples:), I didn't know about this hotel but it is going straight into my bookmarks - they've a gorgeous, enticing website:)
OMG - what a great building in a great setting. I didn't bother looking for their rates, the scenery tells me it's out of my price range!
Gorgeous! What a setting!
Adele - We both seem quite grateful for the nice places we have around us. How lucky we are. Camera helps me to notice more.
Leed's Paul - It is 10 minutes from town (5 minutes from me) heading towards Brinklow/Rugby. A must see.
Lulu - A super choice as a place to visit. (I was not sure what to do today...I have more but hope this idea worked for today.)
Powell River Paul - You can wander in an browse or stay the night. They have super deals (even on Groupon).
Thanks, JM.
Hi LOLfromPasa - just dropping by again to say I'm glad you enjoyed the unusual musical break:) Great Britain has produced marvelous ukulele players!
oh how i want to stay there now!! dreamy foggy pictures!
i've had tea and crumpets in victoria, canada...loved my visit there :)
Tanya. Plenty of fog about these days. Neat that you have been to Victoria. Love to go there.
Lulu, I got the message ukulele. Still can't believe your video. Really good.
I will be right over. That looks wonderful.
Now this looks exactly like the type of place I like to stay in!!! Beautiful pics LOL...
This is breaking my heart with its beauty! Ahhhhhh! I Must Get To England Now. NOW.
Urp. I will have to dream about it.
On another note: Lulu, one of Britain's great ukelele players, Ian Whitcomb, ended up a couple of miles north of here in Altadena. He performs at the Coffee Gallery sometimes.
Petrea - You will. Camelot & Vine will get you here :). PS. I'll make sure Lulu see your comment.
Thanks LOLfromPasa and Petrea for the comment - that is very cool that Ian Whitcomb ended up in Altadena! I would've enjoyed dropping by from time to time, I like hearing ukuleles being played by enthusiastic musicians:)
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