Thursday 20 December 2012

Thatched Roof Thursday #10 - Update

Cruck House, Hinckley Road, Walsgrave, Coventry

One week on from Thatched Roof Thursday #9 and this is how the cottage looked yesterday.  The old straw has been removed (but it looks like not all of it), and the thatchers are just starting to put fresh straw on the roof.  It was raining yesterday (and again today).   So we drove by and my sweet husband stopped long enough for me to get this photo.  Sorry, if you were in one of the cars behind and had to wait :).


Gerald (SK14) said...

that's good progress

Deb said...

Can't be much fun working up there this time of year. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.


Wow, great work-in-progress scene and I'm also looking forward to the end result! Hope your holiday preparations have been going smoothly too:) (I just confirmed super-last-minute tickets to London! Not sure I'll be organized enough to make it to Coventry, but I'm looking forward to at least a bit of London soon!!:)

Jack said...

Doing this in the rain can't be good. Does the thatch get moldy? Are there cracks below that let the rain get through? There is so much to learn about thatch for people like me who don't see it here.

Petrea Burchard said...

It is a fine art. And your husband is a fine man.

Tanya Breese said...

it's coming right along!! and i'm sure those cars behind you didn't mind, they know you have thatched roof thursday to post!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's coming along steadily, rain doesn't help. We lived in a thatched house when we were in Africa, it would attract spiders, ughy!!

Adele said...

I'm so enjoying this process! And your husband is a peach - I'm sure the cars behind would understand you two had Important Business to attend to.

LOLfromPasa said...

It was fun showing my husband the comments from those of you who gave him a mention. Big treat for him :).

Jack - Yes the thatch does turn an awful green at times. Not very nice looking.

Don't mention spiders, PerthDP. I met up with a Huntsman in OZ. I think rats and mice are more of a problem here.

Lulu, hooray, London for you!! Bring your coat and umbrella :). England is a small place so you never know....!

Gunn said...

Interesting posting.
Is this a skill that only few people manage to do, or is it common in the UK?

LOLfromPasa said...

Gunn - Thatchers are skilled craftspersons who learn how to roof, re-roof and repair thatch roofs. I would have to say in isn't common and quite specialised. Possibly why cottages like these attract such attention. I just love these sort of homes. Cheers!