Sunday 12 August 2012

Well Done London Olympics 2012.....

...AND Thank You, Coventry for hosting all those football events.  Brilliant!!!!!

City of Coventry Stadium

The London Paralympics Games 2012 start on 29th August.



What an amazing Olympics it's been! Even semi-skeptical UK friends are a bit sad it's over. How nice you got a touch of the magic with football in Coventry.


P.S. I left this comment at Adele's blog, but should've left it here - Selfridges sells canned American pumpkin pie filling! :-) (They used to sell them in one of the lower levels of the one in Birmingham bull ring.)

Petrea Burchard said...

Wonderful job, UK. I think most people are coming away from these games with a good feeling, the way it's supposed to be.

LOLfromPasa said...

I feel sad too, Lulu. It has been a great event and well received. I think it will lift this country's spirits for a fair amount of time, Petrea.

Lulu...I saw you pumpkin info and replied on Adele's blog. Thanks!