Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Need An 'X'

St. Mary's Hall, Coventry, to the rescue.

The letter for ABC Wednesday today is X.  
A difficult one.  I was going to give up
until I spotted the crossed swords 
on this beautiful stained glass window.

How fascinating to find an entry in Wikipedia about
His link to Coventry, not sure.
It's on the list :).

Participating in ABC Wedesday.


Daryl said...

well done!

Ingrid said...

There are plenty of X in this window !

Fun60 said...

The ABC meme cetainly has you thinking. An imaginative X. Well done.

Nana Jo said...

What a beautiful stained-glass window, and a lovely way to reveal the X.

Roger Owen Green said...

Never give up! The power of the crossed swords!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You! Give up..never :) You answered the challenge beautifully Lauren..Mr de Walden certainly got around didn't he!

Unknown said...

I like your imagination ! Well done !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It's a beautiful window!

Stephanie said...

Very nice!

Leslie: said...

I see not only the crossed swords but also all the leaded Xs in the glass! eXtremely beautiful...

abcw team

Hildred said...

Great job with all your outstanding X's - a beautiful window commemorating the Bishop of London.

Deb said...

X's aplenty here, nice find.


You found a good one! I love that gorgeous stained glass and the perfect X's!:)

Jack said...

Good eyes, LOL. The crossed swords work.

Kate said...

How clever of you to find all those "X's" in that window. Kate, ABC Team

LOLfromPasa said...

Thanks all. I am glad it all worked out :).

Grace - Reading about Walden was sort of a bonus. He did get around and he apparently came to Coventry too.