Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Autumn In Coventry

Coventry Cathedral Ruins

So glad I had my phone with me :).

Hi all -
I am recovering from a rotten cold.
Feeling better now so off to see
what other photo bloggers have to share and
leave a comment or two, or three.....

Friday, 14 October 2016

No Apologies

Coombe Country Park
Taken from the Bird Hide

Amazing the quality of photograph you can get with
a mobile phone...and this one is a Moto G (3rd Gen) 
not my iPhone.  I have shown many images of this
view out the window.  No apologies - here is another one :).

Participating in Skywatch Friday

Monday, 10 October 2016

Jaguar Cars

Jaguar Drivers National Day
Coombe Country Park
August, 2016

Above - 1956 Jaguar D-Type 'Long Nose'.
Below - 1938 SS Jaguar 100 - 2 1/2 Litre
(with my favorite oak tree in the background).

Hundreds of Jaguar Cars were on display at this event
held in August, 2016.

Below is another look at the 1956 Jaguar D-Type 'Long Nose'.
 Winner of the Reims 12-hours race
driven by Duncan Hamilton and Ivor Bueb.

Jaguar Cars headquarters is in Coventry.
For more about the history of Jaguar, follow the
link HERE.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Thatched Roof Thursday #91/92 - Peatling Parva

Parva Cottage and Rose Cottage
Ashby Road

A pair of cottages (Grade II Listed)
built in mid 18th Century.

This style of building (two houses together)
is often seen in modern day houses here in England,  
called 'semi-detached'.  Fun to see an 18th Century version.

I am guessing these are one-bedroom homes. The addition of
a conservatory gives some extra space.
Parva Cottage is on the left and Rose Cottage is on the right.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Got It

Over Coombe Country Park

This is one of the young cygnets leaving home on Sunday.
Haven't seen it since.

Participating in Wild Bird Wednesday